Yuichi Inobori

Director / UX Strategist
Working at a design consulting firm for 10 years, I focused on design-research and user experience design, leading a client's team building for innovation as an innovation consultant and a UX research project for exploring undefined needs as a UX expert.
In 2011, I joined INFOBAHN Inc. and founded the Kyoto branch (as district and strategic office of west Japan and other regions).
I currently focus on solving clients' problems related to marketing communication and innovation using a UCD (User Centered Design) approach.

Project Management Specialist, certified by PMAJ.
Councilor of HCD-Net, certified Human Centered Design Specialist.
ServiceDesignSprints® certified Sprint Master
Part-time Lecturer of Kyoto Women's University
KOBE16:00 - 16:50 [C-4] "Improvement" Case Studies that Enhanced Effects of Owned Media